Teaching As A Career
Lately I have been thinking about whether or not I want to pursue teaching as my career path. I know the value of education. I know it is important that our children receive an adequate education. I know it is important that our students know how to read and write. I just do not think I am the person to do the job. I do not have the long term patients. I love teaching for now, but I am not sure if I will continue to have that passion. I really care about my students and I really want to be there for them. I can’t help but think that I am being selfish. I should continue to give back and help youth, but I just can’t see my self being happy in the long term with teaching. There are too many failures and too little successes. The students do not care and have bad attitudes. For now I can deal with these things. I think, later in life I will not be able to deal with these unmotivated, bad attitude children. For now I am up to the challenge and I love my job. I love being there for my children and being a role model. I like being someone for my girls to look up too. I like letting them know that I am no different from them. I tell them all the time, that they can achieve anything that they put there minds to. They just need to be motivated and determined. I have formed so many personal relationships with my students. It hard sometimes to not cross the line. Many of my students tell me what is going on with their home lives. I just wonder what can I do to help my students. One of my students recently put herself into a mental hospital. She was out of school for two weeks. The reason she checked herself in was because she could no longer handle her home life. Many of students do not live with there mothers or fathers. They live with their grandmothers. It just hurts when I think about the home lives many of my children have. No wonder they have bad attitudes and are unmotivated. Many of them have to worry about surviving from day to day. These are the reasons I love teaching. You get a chance to be a bright spot for so many children who’s lives are always dark. Just to see the kids smiling and laughing brings joy to my life. Children can be happy no matter what is going on in their lives. They are so precious and innocent. Of course, these are the same unmotivated children fighting, and refusing to be quiet. I just try to remember that someone caused them to be the way they are. All behaviors have reasons. I guess, I will continue to go back and forth about teaching, but for now I love my job and my students.
At 11:21 AM,
dd adams said…
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