
A J In The Delta

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Other Classroom Management Plan

I am struggling with the coaching thing. It seems almost pointless to continue coaching. My girls are so unmotivated. I have never seen anything like it. They are lazy and aren’t coachable. Coaching seems to be more frustrating than anything else. I am enjoying getting to know my girls, and I have grown to love each one of them. I have never quit anything and I don’t intend on quitting this. But after a long day of stress and frustration it seems pointless to go to practice and become more frustrated. I just need to figure out a way to get my girls motivated. If anyone has any advice, please feel free to let me know. How do you put your all into both teaching and coaching without being drained? How do you coach and teach?
I have not made very many changes to my classroom management plan. My rules are still the same. I think I should a rule about excessive hagging. Some of my procedures have changed however. My bathroom procedure has changed. It went from “no” to “ ok if it is an emergency.” I also completely got rid of the electronic pencil sharpener. The students now must use hand held pencil sharpeners. My students were spending half of the class period sharpening pencils. The consequences in my plan work decently. I have classroom management problems with the same group of kids each week. My philosophy of classroom management remains the same.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

Classroom Management Blog

At the beginning of the year, I did not assert myself as being strict. I began the year with lenient and great optimism about my kid’s behavior. I knew teaching was not going to be easy, while at the same time, trying to get students to behave, but I had no idea it was going to be this hard. The hardest thing for me is to be consistent everyday. My management changes with my mood. This is a huge problem for me. I try to work on this everyday. I try to be consistent as much as possible. I think my kids are beginning to read my moods. They know how far to push on a good and they know not to push me on a bad day. I think this is not fair to m kids. I am supposed to provide them with consistency. This is the biggest down fall to my classroom management. I intend to work on this!
As week three passed, I realized I had to assert myself as the dictator of the classroom. I think many of the students were trying to test me. The first nine weeks I gave out at least three writing assignments per day e class period and it did not work, their bad behavior seemed increase drastically. Then I began to write up the disruptive students. This worked great. The writing assignment decreased.
I now give out about one writing assignment per week. It seems to me, that I give the detention and writing assignments to the same group of students every week. My biggest problem during the last nine weeks was excessive talking. I now have reduced the problem by half. Now my biggest problem is throwing objects and “hagging”(local slang that means talking about another person) I now give detention for both throwing and hagging, I feel that this has helped.
I am very lucky to have a great administrative staff. I try to deal with the students on my own before I send them to the office. I move them from one side of the room to the other, I talk to them, call their parents, give them detention, and writing assignments before I send them out. Then, when I do send them out I document all the things I have done prior to this. This works very well, my administrator supports me greatly. If I write a student up he or she generally gets about five days of In School Suspension. I can now say that I have very few classroom management problems three of the five days in a week. I feel like I am starting to take complete control of my class.